There's a whole bunch of humbuckers out there with stripped threads on the mounting legs. Folks have to make emergency repairs on the road where it's pretty hard to find #3-48 machine screws at the hardware store so they just use whatever they can get and enlarge the threaded holes. Here's a dozen nickel plated steel 1" long #3-48 machine screws with nickel compression spring, flat washer, lock washer and nylon inserted locking fastening nut. With this kit you should be able to set the pickup at the height you need and lock it there even though the original leg threads are stripped and enlarged. Please note that the head on this screw is pretty small at .171" so check your pickguard or mounting ring. You should also confirm that the range of adjustment offered by this kit will allow you to fix the pickup at the height it needs to be at by measuring the distance from the backside of the pickguard to the top of the pickup mounting leg. By the way, I was going to call this kit "Humbucker Helper" but StewMac beat me to the punch, dang it.